

Tuition Fees

South Cumbria School Direct Tuition fees for 2024-2025 are:


£9,250 for QTS and PGCE

£7,500 for QTS only


£9,250 for QTS and PGCE

£7,500 for QTS only

In addition, all trainees are expected to pay their own travel costs to school and centre-based training. We will make every effort to keep these costs as low as possible by aiming to place you in an appropriate school near to your home. Financial Support typically comes from the below sources.


Currently there are no bursaries available for primary teacher training.

Financial incentives in the form of non-repayable bursaries are available for postgraduate non-salaried trainees studying high priority SECONDARY  subjects. The government defines which subjects are ‘high priority’ each year. Your eligibility for financial support, and the amount you can expect to receive, will depend on the subject you choose to teach and your degree classification or highest relevant academic qualification. You don’t need to apply for a bursary – if you are enrolled on our non-salaried postgraduate course and meet the eligibility criteria, you will begin receiving payments automatically from Ripley ITT. You will receive more information on the arrangements and how this is distributed prior to the start of your course.

For 2024-25, bursaries are offered to trainees intending to train to teach in the subjects listed below:

  • £28,000 in chemistry, computing, maths and physics
  • £25,000 in geography, biology, design and technology and languages (including ancient languages)
  • £10,000 in English, music and RE

Applicants may be eligible for a bursary if they have a 1st, 2.1 or 2.2, or if they hold Master’s or PhD.

For further information on bursaries and scholarships visit;

Tuition Fee Loans

If you are on our non-salaried postgraduate teacher training course, you will have to pay tuition fees. Home and EEA students may be eligible for a tuition fee loan to cover the cost of tuition fees. This is available through Student Finance England. You won’t have to pay the cost of tuition charges up front and you will only repay the loan once you are in full-time employment and earning above £21,000.

Maintenance Loans

Home students in England may also be eligible for a maintenance loan to help towards accommodation and other living costs. EU students cannot apply for Maintenance Loans. The loan is paid directly into your bank account at the start of term. You will have to pay the loan back. This is available through Student Finance England.


Student Loans

You can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance Loan if your course starts on or after 1 August 2017.

Tuition Fee Loan: The Tuition Fee Loan is £9,000 and will be paid directly to your training provider. You must pay it back.

Maintenance Loan for living costs: You may have to give details of your household income. The loan is paid directly into your bank account at the start of term. You have to pay the loan back.

Use the student finance calculator to estimate your Maintenance Loan.

For more information and to apply for student finance, visit

Bursaries & Scholarship Information

Please see Get into Teaching and The Department for Education website for bursary and scholarship details.

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