Please click on the links below to download the relevant documents.
- Accessibility Policy
- Accessibility Action Plan
- Anti Harassment and Bullying Policy
- Appeals Policy
- Attendance Policy - Trainees
- Code of Conduct
- Cause for concern/At risk Procedure
- Complaints Policy
- Deferral and Intercalation Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Fitness to Practise Policy
- Link to most recent Ofsted Report (May 2017)
- Mobile Devices Policy
- Privacy Notice - Trainees
- Safeguarding Policy
- SCITT Governance Structure
- Trainee Disciplinary Policy
- Trainee Withdrawal Policy
- Tuition Fee Policy
Accredited Provider
The South Cumbria School Direct Programmer will be delivered within the Ripley TSA SCITT partnership. As the Lead School in the partnership, Ripley St Thomas has a successful track record in training teachers. All The schools in the partnership are highly experienced and have all been graded outstanding or good by Ofsted.

Rated "Outstanding" by Ofsted
“The highly integrated structure and content of the programme produces confident teachers who are very well equipped to contribute immediately to their employing schools” – Ofsted